Thank You to Resident and Auxiliary Police Officer, Alex Calderone, for His Swift, Life-Saving Actions

This month, we recognize Birmingham resident and Auxiliary Police Unit Officer Alex Calderone, for his swift, live-saving actions during his neighborhood's block party. The fun-filled day deteriorated from normal to crisis in a matter of minutes. During the party, eight-year-old Violet began to choke on a piece of watermelon. According to Calderone, "Initially, Violet was panicked and crying but when she couldn’t cry anymore I recognized that to be a sign that her airway was totally blocked."
Auxiliary Officer Calderone immediately reacted by performing the Heimlich maneuver, ultimately clearing the airway. He then transported Violet, and her father, to the hospital for further care. All of the doctors and nurses praised Officer Calderone for his quick reaction, training and ability to remain calm and take control of the situation. In a choking situation, there is only about a two minute window to react before lack of oxygen can cause severe brain damage or death.
"It was a surreal experience. Violet looked at me and thanked me for saving her life and it took every ounce of strength I could muster to keep it together," said Calderone. "Later that evening my neighbors thanked me, telling me I was a hero. I told them I'm not a hero, just someone who was fortunate enough to be a part of the City's Police Auxiliary program where we are trained to recognize and react to many different kinds of emergencies. The credit should go to first responders and the people who, year after year, invest time, money and other resources to maintain this program."
We are proud to have Alex Calderone as an Auxiliary Officer and resident, and recognize him as a hero within our community!