Adams Park

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Update 09.23.22: We are thrilled to invite you to visit Adams Park, now open! Please keep in mind that although we have opened the park for play, we are still waiting on park features such as benches and litter/recycling receptacles, among other items. We have temporary litter containers in place in the meantime. Also, there will be no regularly scheduled activity on the new sod for the remainder of the year, as the sod is still being established. Please be mindful of this and stay off the new sod as much as possible. Watch for a ribbon cutting/opening celebration in late October, and enjoy the redeveloped Adams Park!

Update 8.31.22: We are in the home stretch on the Adams Park project! The park is closed but nearing completion and looking more beautiful each day. The fence will remain around the park for the next two-four weeks due to fresh sod throughout the park. Staying off the sod will help ensure a healthy, durable lawn upon completion of the park renovation project.

The grass roots of the lawn bond to the soil during the first weeks of growth, so in addition to a regular irrigation regimen, the protection of the lawn during this period is extremely important. Because the lawn requires a lot of water at first, the soil will retain a consistent level of moisture. This softer soil allows for exaggerated footprints and divots to be created by park users (people, dogs, balls, bikes) as well as lawnmowers, maintenance vehicles, and service equipment. When the soil hardens back up, these divots create trip and safety hazards for park users. This can be avoided by staying off the lawn while it is established. Thank you for helping us build a better park!

Update 8.16.2022: The play area is just about complete! Trees and landscaping going in, the rain garden is installed, and the frame of the pergola is up! Take a look at the photos to the right to see progress week by week!

Update 7.20.2022: Making a lot of progress at Adams Park! Concrete work has begun, the basketball court and track and field elements are shaping up, and the beautiful, stately centerpiece tree is in place (located in the central gathering area). See the Construction Photos on the right for more details and a bird's eye view!

Update 6.29.2022: Construction began as anticipated on June 13, 2022! So far, work has included the removal of all park items such as the playground equipment, bench and trash receptacle, fencing and the retaining wall along Adams Rd. A construction fence is now in place. Significant grading work is currently taking place, and some survey work has begun. Take a look at the Photos on the right to see some before pics and construction progress!

Construction to begin in June 2022!

Plans were recently finalized and construction is slated for this summer. The Adams Park Project was awarded to Michigan Recreational Construction (MRC) at the March 28th City Commission Meeting. MRC specializes in Commercial Park and Playground Construction. Enhancements include a significant play area, a garden seating plaza, beautiful landscaping improvements with many new trees, open grassy area that can be used for field sports. a basketball court and track and field elements. We are excited to begin! Thank you for your feedback and support!

Adams Park Page Updates:

  • The Adams Park Page on Engage Birmingham had about 1,800 total visits!
  • 1308 Participants visited Adams park project or tool page! (Dove in a bit further…)
  • We heard form 72 Engaged Participants (Engaged means they left feedback in the guestbook)
  • Adams Park guestbook live comment period closed on September 30, 2021
  • We are thankful for great feedback!

Summary of the Feedback:

  • Most frequent query: 30% regarding Roeper school and the City of Birmingham’s relationship
  • Next most popular comment-playground details
  • Splash Pad input-great suggestion, wrong park, but stay tuned for future opportunities at other City parks
  • Super comments from you! Glad to hear all the interest in the playground features and in park amenities and placement in the concept design!


  • Concept Plan to go before City Commission- November 8, 2021
  • Proceed with Construction Drawings/Bid Specifications.
  • Bidding Process to be over the winter months to prepare for a Summer 2022 Construction Project
  • Requested proposals February 2022
  • Awarded Project to Michigan Recreational Construction- March 28, 2022

  • The Adams Park Project page on Engage will continue to be updated with new information. Check back soon!

Announcing the Adams Park 2021 Concept Plan! Funding is now available with voter approved Parks and Recreation Bond for Adams Park improvements! Michael J. Dul & Associates and City staff re-visited the 2016 Concept plan with neighborhood associations and Roeper School and now we'd like City-wide input. Please give us your feedback!

Thank you for commenting on the Adams Park 2021 Concept Plan! We are working hard to review all of the great feedback received. To sign up for notifications about this project and anything Parks and Recreation, visit

Background on Adams Park and Roeper School:

The City of Birmingham purchased this 1.46 acre green space from Roeper school in 2006 using bond proceeds from the 2001 Parks and Recreation Bond issue for park purposes. The purchase agreement provides that the park property be used for a public park. In addition, Roeper School is permitted to use the park during the school year for activities currently undertaken by the school on the grounds, at the time of purchase. The City works with the school on coordinating activities during the school year. Additionally, the agreement states that before park improvements are made to the park, the City will provide information about the park improvements to the school in order to secure the school's input.

Update 09.23.22: We are thrilled to invite you to visit Adams Park, now open! Please keep in mind that although we have opened the park for play, we are still waiting on park features such as benches and litter/recycling receptacles, among other items. We have temporary litter containers in place in the meantime. Also, there will be no regularly scheduled activity on the new sod for the remainder of the year, as the sod is still being established. Please be mindful of this and stay off the new sod as much as possible. Watch for a ribbon cutting/opening celebration in late October, and enjoy the redeveloped Adams Park!

Update 8.31.22: We are in the home stretch on the Adams Park project! The park is closed but nearing completion and looking more beautiful each day. The fence will remain around the park for the next two-four weeks due to fresh sod throughout the park. Staying off the sod will help ensure a healthy, durable lawn upon completion of the park renovation project.

The grass roots of the lawn bond to the soil during the first weeks of growth, so in addition to a regular irrigation regimen, the protection of the lawn during this period is extremely important. Because the lawn requires a lot of water at first, the soil will retain a consistent level of moisture. This softer soil allows for exaggerated footprints and divots to be created by park users (people, dogs, balls, bikes) as well as lawnmowers, maintenance vehicles, and service equipment. When the soil hardens back up, these divots create trip and safety hazards for park users. This can be avoided by staying off the lawn while it is established. Thank you for helping us build a better park!

Update 8.16.2022: The play area is just about complete! Trees and landscaping going in, the rain garden is installed, and the frame of the pergola is up! Take a look at the photos to the right to see progress week by week!

Update 7.20.2022: Making a lot of progress at Adams Park! Concrete work has begun, the basketball court and track and field elements are shaping up, and the beautiful, stately centerpiece tree is in place (located in the central gathering area). See the Construction Photos on the right for more details and a bird's eye view!

Update 6.29.2022: Construction began as anticipated on June 13, 2022! So far, work has included the removal of all park items such as the playground equipment, bench and trash receptacle, fencing and the retaining wall along Adams Rd. A construction fence is now in place. Significant grading work is currently taking place, and some survey work has begun. Take a look at the Photos on the right to see some before pics and construction progress!

Construction to begin in June 2022!

Plans were recently finalized and construction is slated for this summer. The Adams Park Project was awarded to Michigan Recreational Construction (MRC) at the March 28th City Commission Meeting. MRC specializes in Commercial Park and Playground Construction. Enhancements include a significant play area, a garden seating plaza, beautiful landscaping improvements with many new trees, open grassy area that can be used for field sports. a basketball court and track and field elements. We are excited to begin! Thank you for your feedback and support!

Adams Park Page Updates:

  • The Adams Park Page on Engage Birmingham had about 1,800 total visits!
  • 1308 Participants visited Adams park project or tool page! (Dove in a bit further…)
  • We heard form 72 Engaged Participants (Engaged means they left feedback in the guestbook)
  • Adams Park guestbook live comment period closed on September 30, 2021
  • We are thankful for great feedback!

Summary of the Feedback:

  • Most frequent query: 30% regarding Roeper school and the City of Birmingham’s relationship
  • Next most popular comment-playground details
  • Splash Pad input-great suggestion, wrong park, but stay tuned for future opportunities at other City parks
  • Super comments from you! Glad to hear all the interest in the playground features and in park amenities and placement in the concept design!


  • Concept Plan to go before City Commission- November 8, 2021
  • Proceed with Construction Drawings/Bid Specifications.
  • Bidding Process to be over the winter months to prepare for a Summer 2022 Construction Project
  • Requested proposals February 2022
  • Awarded Project to Michigan Recreational Construction- March 28, 2022

  • The Adams Park Project page on Engage will continue to be updated with new information. Check back soon!

Announcing the Adams Park 2021 Concept Plan! Funding is now available with voter approved Parks and Recreation Bond for Adams Park improvements! Michael J. Dul & Associates and City staff re-visited the 2016 Concept plan with neighborhood associations and Roeper School and now we'd like City-wide input. Please give us your feedback!

Thank you for commenting on the Adams Park 2021 Concept Plan! We are working hard to review all of the great feedback received. To sign up for notifications about this project and anything Parks and Recreation, visit

Background on Adams Park and Roeper School:

The City of Birmingham purchased this 1.46 acre green space from Roeper school in 2006 using bond proceeds from the 2001 Parks and Recreation Bond issue for park purposes. The purchase agreement provides that the park property be used for a public park. In addition, Roeper School is permitted to use the park during the school year for activities currently undertaken by the school on the grounds, at the time of purchase. The City works with the school on coordinating activities during the school year. Additionally, the agreement states that before park improvements are made to the park, the City will provide information about the park improvements to the school in order to secure the school's input.

Review the Concept Plan and Give Us Your Feedback!

The 2021 Adams Park Concept Plan is ready for review!  Funding is now available thanks to the voter approved Parks and Recreation Bond!  Michael J Dul & Associates together and in cooperation with City Staff, surrounding Neighborhood Association's, and Roeper School, revisited the 2016 plan and updated it with some modifications. Enhancements to Adams Park will include a significant play area, a garden seating plaza, beautiful landscaping improvements with lots of new trees, an open grassy area large enough for a soccer field, a basketball court, shot put, discus, and a long jump area.  Take a closer look at the 2021 Adams Park Concept Plan and Renderings and let us know what you think!

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Looks like a great improvement for the neighborhood. Although boring to most, I am particularly happy to see the inclusion of rain gardens. We have neglected the issue of stormwater runoff for too long. The benefits of on-site retention are numerous. Bonding and building massive infrastructure to handle this runoff is very costly to taxpayers and water users. The time is now to revisit our ordinances on storm water runoff. Designs like this are a step in the right direction.

jhofley over 3 years ago

I love all of the trees and addition of the track & field equipment. The layout is very thoughtful.

achristine over 3 years ago

The renderings look appealing and functional. As long as NO CHAIN-LINK prison FENCE, PLEASE.

hapajgv over 3 years ago

So excited for this project. Really looking forward to seeing it come to fruition. Many thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. What is the estimated date of completion for this project?

ericaahmed over 3 years ago

This has been a great collaboration between the City, neighborhood associations (Birmingham Estates and South Poppleton), Roeper School and Michael J. Dul & Associates. So glad that we were able to develop a plan that will serve the needs of all, while providing the beauty and green spaces of which we can all be proud. Looking forward to ground breaking!

gappel over 3 years ago

Looks nice, and improvements are long overdue. Your FAQ says: "Roeper does have the ability to use it for school related activity such as recess and after school sports." Does that mean they get priority over other users on school days? It's an odd (and maybe inappropriate) use of tax dollars if, say, Roeper has the right to chase residents off the soccer field or basketball court on school days. Why should residents pay for improving Roeper's athletic facilities?

AlanL over 3 years ago

Excellent presentation last night. I had some concerns about the shot put area and discuss area—these were put to rest. Really nice flow to the grounds—will go from a nothing space to something special. A few neighbors questioned the particular playground equipment modeled in the renderings. I think I have seen more interesting playground apparatus in many places including the parks in Arlington Virginia. I hope these neighbors with younger children and good ideas stay involved and continue contributing to what will be a real gem for our community. Thanks to all who work for our city and who volunteer for bringing this plan to fruition. Marty Reisig

Marty over 3 years ago

The play ground equipment colors are too loud and need to blend into the landscape.

David Ivinskas over 3 years ago

Beautiful and thoughtful design. Very excited to see this come to fruition. Thank you!

NCGreen over 3 years ago

Wonderful. Great improvement to existing space.

Kvguenther over 3 years ago

I think it looks great! Can’t wait for this park to be updated!

a_long00 over 3 years ago

Excellent plan! We particularly appreciate that the basketball court will be improved and agree with others that additional seating/benches would be appreciated.

kde1974 over 3 years ago

Plan looks great! Just the right level of open space and dedicated structures. Will enhance the neighborhood as well as the school. Time to move forward!!

Gordon4Bham over 3 years ago

Love the plan! Thank you to all involved!

MSullivan7 over 3 years ago

Hello All,

It looks wonderful with good details like the drainage, water fountain, plug-in for technology, lots of benches placed strategically, trees as natural barriers to roads, a family friendly play yard, plus room for Roper High School to have their sports. Well done! I am truly excited to see this project come to fruition.
Ellie Noble, Parks and Rec board member

ECN over 3 years ago

Glad to see better use of this area. If it's possible to add sitting areas, that would be great. Currently, I don't see much seating. I'm always looking for outdoor places to just sit and enjoy the weather, talk or read. Also parents watching children need a place to sit.

Engaged Resident over 3 years ago

Hello, the concept plans are beautiful. Thank you for your efforts and for the opportunity to provide feedback.

My only thought is that the playground looks like an older design and is similar to other parks in the neighborhood and community already offer. What about looking at the newer ninja warrior equipment and/or the netted play structures that encourage climbing? If the park is already committed to the shot put, discus, basketball and soccer fields, the addition of the ninja course equipment would make it a nice athletic park for kids, who, I think, love the physical challenges that more modern equipment offers. You could still have a tots area for younger kids.

Thank you.

Patrick Liebler over 3 years ago

Beautifully done. I’d recommend adding a drinking fountain and perhaps benches for the soccer field. I’d be interested to know how the park will be kept up.

Thank you,
Errol Hau

errolhau over 3 years ago
Page last updated: 23 Sep 2022, 01:18 PM