Birmingham Stories

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The Birmingham Museum wants to know your Birmingham love story!

Did you meet a special someone through a family member? When Margaret Prindle Hunter and her husband, John West Hunter, moved to what would become Birmingham in 1819, she brought along her younger sisters Olive and Sarah Marie (sometimes referred to as Mariah). Olive would marry fellow early land-owner John Hamilton in 1819 and Sarah Marie would marry John West’s brother Daniel around 1820.

Sepia tone photograph of a young couple standing up in 1890s clothing.Did you meet elsewhere but moved to Birmingham to open up a business? Gitel and Morris Levinson married in Detroit in 1894 andBlack and white portrait of an older couple, looking at the camera and posing side by side. a few years later moved to Birmingham to open up Levinson's Department Store, the first department store in Birmingham.

Were you hired to care for someone's pony? Fenton and Florence Watkins met that way.

"We were in Birmingham; there wasn’t anything going on or anywhere to go." Marion Clizbe Allen said, when referring to the activities she and her future husband, Harry (first mayor of Birmingham), didn't do during their courtship in 1913. Thankfully, now there's a ton of places to take a date in Birmingham!

Tell us your Birmingham love story or your favorite place to take someone on a date in the city. And, if your idea of a perfect date is a trip to a local museum, the Birmingham Museum is open Tues.-Fri. from 1-4 pm.

The Birmingham Museum wants to know your Birmingham love story!

Did you meet a special someone through a family member? When Margaret Prindle Hunter and her husband, John West Hunter, moved to what would become Birmingham in 1819, she brought along her younger sisters Olive and Sarah Marie (sometimes referred to as Mariah). Olive would marry fellow early land-owner John Hamilton in 1819 and Sarah Marie would marry John West’s brother Daniel around 1820.

Sepia tone photograph of a young couple standing up in 1890s clothing.Did you meet elsewhere but moved to Birmingham to open up a business? Gitel and Morris Levinson married in Detroit in 1894 andBlack and white portrait of an older couple, looking at the camera and posing side by side. a few years later moved to Birmingham to open up Levinson's Department Store, the first department store in Birmingham.

Were you hired to care for someone's pony? Fenton and Florence Watkins met that way.

"We were in Birmingham; there wasn’t anything going on or anywhere to go." Marion Clizbe Allen said, when referring to the activities she and her future husband, Harry (first mayor of Birmingham), didn't do during their courtship in 1913. Thankfully, now there's a ton of places to take a date in Birmingham!

Tell us your Birmingham love story or your favorite place to take someone on a date in the city. And, if your idea of a perfect date is a trip to a local museum, the Birmingham Museum is open Tues.-Fri. from 1-4 pm.

Birmingham Love Stories

Share your Birmingham love story or favorite date spot of yesteryear with the Birmingham Museum.  Sharing historical photos of you and your loved ones in Birmingham is encouraged. You may submit as many stories as you would like, but please remember that inappropriate stories will be removed at the City's sole discretion. 

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Page last updated: 21 Feb 2022, 01:14 PM