Rename & Refresh the Print Newsletter

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Birmingham mails a print newsletter to all City residents and businesses three times per year (Spring, Summer, and Fall/Winter). The Communications Team is working to update and improve the newsletter to be more useful to you, the resident. Please share your ideas to name the newsletter and shape the information that will be included in future editions. Participants may submit as many names as they'd like by Friday, May 21, 2021. Be creative and have fun!

Spring 2020Summer 2020

Fall/Winter 2020-2021Spring 2021

The City of Birmingham mails a print newsletter to all City residents and businesses three times per year (Spring, Summer, and Fall/Winter). The Communications Team is working to update and improve the newsletter to be more useful to you, the resident. Please share your ideas to name the newsletter and shape the information that will be included in future editions. Participants may submit as many names as they'd like by Friday, May 21, 2021. Be creative and have fun!

Spring 2020Summer 2020

Fall/Winter 2020-2021Spring 2021