Birmingham Senior/Recreation Center at 400 E. Lincoln
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The City of Birmingham purchased the YMCA building at 400 E. Lincoln in June 2023. The City has envisioned the property as a future Senior/Recreation Center for collaborative use. The building will be the home of Next, a 501(c)(3) organization that has provided the City with senior services for the past 45 years, as well as the YMCA, and will include additional spaces and programs for residents to enjoy.
The City formed an Ad Hoc Senior/Recreation Center Committee in March 2024 to provide oversight and input on the planning and development of a senior/recreation center at 400 E. Lincoln, and to provide recommendations to the City Commission throughout the process.
In early 2024, the City hired a private architectural firm, NORR, LLC to perform a building assessment and conceptual design for the location. Using the information from NORR’s final report, the Ad Hoc Senior/Recreation Center Committee recommended that the existing building at 400 E. Lincoln be demolished and a new building be constructed to house the future facility. At the July 29, 2024 special City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved a motion accepting that recommendation.
Following a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process, the City Commission hired Neumann Smith, an architecture firm, to prepare the final site plan, design and construction plans for the new community building at 400 E. Lincoln.
The City of Birmingham purchased the YMCA building at 400 E. Lincoln in June 2023. The City has envisioned the property as a future Senior/Recreation Center for collaborative use. The building will be the home of Next, a 501(c)(3) organization that has provided the City with senior services for the past 45 years, as well as the YMCA, and will include additional spaces and programs for residents to enjoy.
The City formed an Ad Hoc Senior/Recreation Center Committee in March 2024 to provide oversight and input on the planning and development of a senior/recreation center at 400 E. Lincoln, and to provide recommendations to the City Commission throughout the process.
In early 2024, the City hired a private architectural firm, NORR, LLC to perform a building assessment and conceptual design for the location. Using the information from NORR’s final report, the Ad Hoc Senior/Recreation Center Committee recommended that the existing building at 400 E. Lincoln be demolished and a new building be constructed to house the future facility. At the July 29, 2024 special City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved a motion accepting that recommendation.
Following a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process, the City Commission hired Neumann Smith, an architecture firm, to prepare the final site plan, design and construction plans for the new community building at 400 E. Lincoln.
This preliminary survey was conducted in 2024 in conjunction with the architects at NORR, LLC who conducted the initial building assessment of 400 E. Lincoln.
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